Gesu Housing builds quality, energy and maintenance efficient, affordable homes to assist families in realizing a safe, secure, stable living experience while strengthening and stabilizing their neighborhoods. Whether it be purchase or rental, everyone deserves a place to call HOME.
Gesu Housing provides a financial pathway to homeownership by providing down payment and closing costs assistance*, an assurance that the mortgage, taxes, and insurance payment will not exceed the maximum 30% of your gross household income#, and a 1-year warranty on the work performed.
* as funds allow to the maximum established
# at initial purchase
To Qualify to Purchase a Gesu Home
Have a good credit rating (no judgments)
Have a gross household yearly income of 80% or below the Area Median Income (AMI)
Home must remain your place of residence for a period of time (maximum of 20 years)
You are required to take a Homebuyer Education class before purchasing
Must qualify for a minimum $95,000 first mortgage (based on current sales price)